Hello Goffstown!!

Let me begin by saying what a true honor it has been to serve you, the amazing people of Goffstown!

As you may know, I am a NH native and have been a resident of Goffstown for 32+ years with my husband and our two (now adult) children.

What I have learned these last two years is:

  • As soon as they teach it, apply it—there is no learning curve    
  • Networking with colleagues is an absolute must
  • NEVER be late
  • Family and job come first, then legislative duties…don’t change your priorities
  • Always be professional in defending yourself, your bill, your position
  • There’s NO room for ego or anger
  • NEVER underestimate your opponent
  • Writing legislation takes Time & Dedication: give it!
  • There’s no such thing as losing; you either Win or you Learn
  • You can debate passionately without destroying a relationship
  • Goffstown, and NH, are worth the fight!

I have served on the Children & Family Law Committee, one sub-Committee, the Special Committee to the DCYF, and the DCYF Advisory Board, as well as being a member of several caucuses. I could not have asked for a better Committee than C&FL as it is exactly where I want to be, fighting for the rights and protection of our children and families! Every bill and witness that comes before us provides evidence that may impact my support or opposition to a bill, allowing me a greater understanding of the proposed legislation and how it may affect our families and children.

In addition to these Committees, I had the opportunity and honor to learn to be a better legislator through a weekly class know as Lion’s Training …Thank you, Hon. Don Gorman! You command a tight ship, and I am grateful to you for it…full steam ahead!

I have received countless communications from every party throughout the state on most every topic and have tried to answer all of them (my apologies to those of you that did not receive a response). Because of your input, rest assured that I have taken each one of you into the House Chamber on Session days (I have never missed a Session), hearing your voices, often re-reading your emails while in Session, all in an effort to vote accordingly, per your communications, for the good of the people.

I did not seek office for popularity, camera-time, boasting rights, or perfect scores from special interest groups and PACs. I ran for your seat to represent you, the people of our great town and state! To not draw attention to myself, but to focus my attention on the needs of our citizenry, proven by my voting record and (co)sponsored legislation.

When I first ran, I promised to:

  • Fight for our children’s education
  • Fight for parental rights
  • Protect girls and women in the bathrooms, locker rooms, and changing facilities
  • Preserve women and girls’ sports for (natural) biological females
  • Protect life, from conception to natural death
  • Protect our Second Amendment Rights, and oppose all red-flag legislation
  • Protect our First Amendment Right of free speech
  • Protect and promote religious freedom

and I have stood by my word, both in my vote and in legislation. Of the bills that I have sponsored and co-sponsored in my first term, fourteen (14) of them have been signed into law by the Governor (list attached).

I have been truly humbled these last two years, and I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to be your voice in Concord! There is still A LOT more work to do, and I am hopeful that you will consider voting for me and my record that I may continue to represent you in the fight to keep NH true to its motto, the Live Free or Die State!

Best regards,


Representative Sheila Seidel

Hillsborough 29/Goffstown

Children & Family Law Committee

DCYF Advisory Board

DCYF Special Committee

Granite Bridge Legislative Alliance

Hillsborough County Delegate

Right to Life Caucus

USA-Israel Relations Caucus

Veterans Caucus

American Legion Auxiliary Secretary, Post 37

Goffstown Republican Committee Secretary

Website: Seidel4NH.com

Face Book Page: SheilaSeidel4NH

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